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THE UKRAINE REPORT: MARCH - MAY, 2024Dear Friends, Here is the Ukraine ministry update - a little later than we wanted, but time gets away so fast. Bible college update: The classes planned for Africa went well. We completed six classes which was our goal for the fall of 2023. We have more starting in the weeks ahead. Also, pray for the Lord to lead us regarding an opportunity he may be opening. There are four locations in Germany that have sizable Ukrainian churches in each. They have asked about our Bible college providing classes for them. The classes will have to be translated into Ukrainian. It is a big job, but doable if the Lord helps us with translators, etc. It is a big undertaking, but already some profs have indicated they are willing to go. The classes could start in May or June, but may wait until the fall semester. We had one class startup in Estonia before the war. We are looking into starting some classes there again, likely in the fall semester or next spring. Classes are still going on in the new locations in Ukraine. A third location might start and one location in the west part of Ukraine, that had stopped to focus on helping and evangelizing war refugees, is ready to start classes up again. We are providing profs and we still have some there so classes will go on. Many decisions, lots of admin - which Tanya, Nancy, and I work on, college development, deadlines, war situations, etc. can be a little stressful. But our Lord, His Word, & your prayers do encourage us. Seminars: Several churches have had us do a Saturday Seminar before the Sunday meetings. Two were Bible Study Methods and Bible Appreciation. It was a blessing to be able to teach some and fellowship with other believers even though we are not overseas. War: Recently our city has been hit with missiles so our house can’t be repaired yet. Pray the USA would supply Ukraine with what it needs. Pray the war will end and the people of Ukraine can have some relief from terrible suffering and hardships. A number of people have asked us for websites where we get news about the war in Ukraine. We do get personal updates almost daily. Here are some places for current news: censor.net Kyiv Independent Kyiv Post From the Institute for the Study of War - good American source on the war. Institute for the Study of War Praise:
Thank you so much for partnering with us to win Ukrainians for Christ. We count you among our dear friends. Pray for Peace in Ukraine. Prayers are needed daily.
Ron and Nancy Minton